Series Info/Source: This is the first book in the Tales of the Frog Princess series. I adored the writing style and the humour of this adorable tale. This story has everything a classic fairy-tale should have, witches, fairies and lots of magic. Emma and Eadric go on a adventure to find a way to turn them both back into humans. With the help from a flurry of various animals. So Emma kisses him and then promptly turns in a frog herself. He tells her that he has been cursed by an old witch and that he needs a princess to kiss him to return back into a frog. This toad claims to be the lost prince Eadric. Not wishing to marry a vain prince Emma decides run away to her favourite place by the swamp. One day she is told that she is now engaged to a prince that loves himself more than he loves others. Emma who is not your typical princess and who is always clumsy. I enjoyed reading the tale of Princess Emeralda or better known as Emma. I loved the Disney movie The Princess and The Frog, so when I saw this I had to give it a go. They find him, too, but no one knows how to change him back. Her beloved had disappeared after her mother had transformed him into an animal. Grassina is a nice witch and the protector of the kingdom. They have various encounters while seeking a solution to their froghood - including a persistently-pursuing white dog, an unfriendly witch who catches them, a very nice bat, a helpful snake, giants, and other - before reaching her Aunt Grassina for assistance. Even as a frog, she has her distinctive, unprincess-like laugh. He has experience being a frog, so he helps her adjust and escape from predators in the immediate aftermath. The kiss doesn’t change him back into a prince but her into a frog. To avoid him when he arrives, multiple days she goes to her favorite spot - the swamp - and is eventually persuaded to kiss a frog who claims to be an enchanted prince named Eadric. Princess Emma is the almost-16-year-old only child of her parents and is not interested in marrying the self-centered Prince Jorge to whom her mother is planning to marry her.